Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Brooch display

I got creative last weekend and finally made a home for my brooches... well most of them. I think I'm going to have to make more of these, I don't think my brooch obsession is going to end anytime soon.


  1. Wow, how many broaches do you have?
    The display is very attractive! Did it take a long time to make?

  2. I have a lot!

    It didn't take that long to make, it's all stuck together in the back with packing tape :P

  3. The collector in me is loving this posting. :) Cute stuff! Colorful.

  4. your brooch collection is so sweet. i have been collecting simple rhinestone ones but may have to rethink that after seeing this. :)

  5. we shall call you brooch-hilda.
    wow - great brooches, and beautiful board!
