Monday, August 24, 2009

Send me a landscaping angel!

Al and I have been slowly working on the front yard and walkway. I mentioned a few weeks ago that we had started to lay down the forms for the concrete stepping stones, and we have about half of them up already. The wacky wood is working out great, but getting everything in the ground has been tricky, since there's a massive rock the size of a van directly under the walkway! We've had to, um, get a little creative with some of our forms...

We're slowly getting there, though. I can't wait until they're done!


  1. that's an awesome lookin walkway and a supersmart use of wackywood!

  2. what a creative approach! I can't wait to see more.

  3. wow jen that walkway is going to be so amazing when you are done! I am so inspired by your aesthetic!

  4. That will look AWESOME when it is finished.
    Good luck!
