Thursday, December 19, 2013

2013. The year I got obsessed with shoes!

My obsession with shoes this year coincides with my new obsession with I fell in love with so many of their dresses and shoes. So when I got e-mails about sales, I pounced! 

Dynamite Fishnet Wedge 

I also found some afordable gems at my local Goodwill and Savers. Somehow I also found another pair in silver. You can never have enough ruffles!

Goodwill Steve Madden ruffle heal

And saving the best for last, these shoes are my all time favorite! I found these at my local Marshalls. They are by Blowfish and look amazing with leggings! 

I have even more shoes in my closet I didn't mention and now that I'm blogging about them all I realize I went a bit crazy this year, I think my collection doubled! Oh it was so much fun!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh yes, I love ModCloth. Most of the dresses I own (and several sweaters and tops) are from there. I've been a "shoe girl" all my life, but since I started working from home, I've stopped buying them for the most part...kinda sad but saves me $$$!
