Monday, September 14, 2009

IKEA Catalog from 1965

I found these images over at another blog

"My parents like to keep the annual IKEA catalogs – it says it is the most printed book (edit: printed publication) after the bible. Yesterday my mum showed me this…. the IKEA catalog from the year 1965."


  1. What a great found!!! IKEA was always amazing! I just can't wait to receive my 2010 catalog I've command :o) Must arrive soon!

  2. I had no idea Ikea has been around that long. Good stuff.

  3. Awesome find! I love browsing at IKEA.

  4. And look, the catalogue is typeset (mostly) in Futura! It makes me all the sadder about this:,8599,1919127,00.html

  5. I hardly see how IKEA using verdana changes their eye for good design in the home. Perhaps it's just me, but I really don't care what typeface they use on anything as long as their furniture still looks good.

  6. OMG - I only heard of Ikea a few years ago as they didn't have one around me! It's funny how a lot of it looks the same as it does now!

  7. What a cool find!! I didnt realize that they had been in business that long. I love how the items from that era are so timeless style wise. Very inspiring. THnaks for sharing!

  8. Wow,

    I didn't know it had been around that long either. It's amazing that it has kept so consistent.

  9. Fabulous!
    I have to admit that I always wanted to keep these catalogs and make a collection but my man laugh at me so badly I gave up the idea immediately (totally spineless I am sometimes...)
    This is so inspirational and for me - vintage-retro lover - a must have!!
    I won't give up this time and will start keep em!!
