Sunday, September 13, 2009

Kitchen nook before and after

Well this side of the kitchen is done! I painted the kitchen nook maybe 6 months ago then I abandoned it because my husband and I couldn't agree on a kitchen table set. Well, he was finally sick of looking at an empty kitchen so he let me get what ever I wanted. I hunted for a month and finally found this cute yellow and white 50's set.


  1. Ok, jenn, now that I see that yellow table, how about going for this look with the cabinets:

  2. This is cool, too: could use the curves within the molding of your wall cabinets to play with the color combo - green and yellow - til you got it right

  3. Oh I saw that set on your blog months ago and thought it was so cool.

  4. I really like the green wall color. For a while that was the color I wanted in my kitchen.

  5. I got the paint at Lowes on a whim.
    A gallon of paint for only $3, it was a mistint.

  6. my boyfriend and i often have the same disagreements about color, pattern and items in our house. i have been "working" on curtains and a quilt for 3 months now. when it came to picking fabric, he finally gave in because he was tired of me asking about it. :)

  7. Beautiful!! Would love to do something like that with my kithen. Heck.. I'm having a tough time getting my bride to let me "retro-fit" my small home office.
