Monday, June 20, 2011

One of these things is not like the other...

So a wonderful reader of mine from wanted to know if I would give her tea set a new home (pictured on left). I saw a picture, but didn't pay much attention, all I said was YESS! I assumed it was from my set that I had purchased on Etsy some time ago. Hooray right? Turns out the set she sent me was made in Germany and mine was made Japan. Interesting... Since Japan was heavy into making cheap ceramics in the 60's, I'm assuming the German Thomas set came first since it feels heavier and just overall better quality, but who knows.


Mod Betty / said...

Oh funny! I did the same thing and glanced quickly - not realizing they were slightly dissimilar until you put them next to each other. Glad they got to you safely, and I know the set is happier being near like-looking shelfmates :-)

Acorn + Archer said...

Isn't it funny how similar some of that stuff can be!? They both look great!

Anonymous said...

I got to say the German set is alot nicer. Cleaner design.

Mod Betty / said...

And too funny x2. I saw this photo on my Flickr friends photo stream and thought it was a part of the style you

It's part of the family anyways!